Sunday, October 26, 2008

our bags are packed and we're....

Waiting...=) I wish we were off to some exotic location for a week long getaway! However, the suitcase is my hospital bag, and the trip is only a 20 minute drive to York Hospital. I spent this weekend further preparing for Isabel and that included packing my hospital bag. I know we're three weeks away yet, but I like to be prepared. What can I say?!

I have a list that I packed from, yet I wonder what I will REALLY need. Any pointers? What do you wish you had thought to pack? What item was most helpful to you during your short 48 hour stay in the hospital?


Anonymous said...

Do you want to go on a "Baby Moon" (vs. a honeymoon)? I remember reading an article about how they were becoming popular.

Sorry, can't help you much about the items to pack. I can't really remember. I don't remember needing anything that I didn't bring, or anything being particularly helpful. They give you so much at the hospital, diapers and all. It's pretty much a blur to me.

BTW, I have a mobile that my boys loved. Want to borrow? It's called "Symphony in Motion". That was something I didn't buy or register for, but after they were born decided I wanted.

Anonymous said...

Hey! It's good you have your bags packed! I was taking the dog out to pee while Eric packed his bag and I was having contractions every 3-4 mins! It's good to be prepared!

Some thing I was happy to have in the hospital were: a nice smelling shampoo, chapstick, and a comfy sweatsuit....i couldn't wait to get out of that gown!

One other tip....take anything that they give to you....i still use those plastic hospital basins to soak stains out of Allison's clothes. They also have some nice cloth wipes which I was happy to have at home. Plus the nasal syringe is better than any you will find in the stores!

One last thing and this might be TMI, but don't be afraid to ask the nurse for a stool softener while you are in the hospital. I was afraid to go because it was sore in that area and that really helped me!!!

Ok...those are my tips! Can't wait to meet Isabel! You will do great!

Anonymous said...

I was overly prepared for our trip. The things I used and couldn't live without-my crocs (or flip flops that can be "hosed" off"), nursing bra (I looove my bravado ones), nursing pads, granny panties ( I hate that word), cell phone charger, extra batteries for the camera, camera, video camera. Other than that, I stayed in the hospital gown the entire time.

I agree-take everything in your room! You MUST take the bottle squirter thingy-I used that for a while!

When we walked into the hospital, I felt weird b/c we had sooo much! Oh, pack sleepers for Isabel and a cute outfit for her hospital pics :)

Can't wait to hear that you're in labor :)


Karen said...

in my experience most people over pack. You don't need a lot while you are there.

I agree with the chapstick. Get them to give you a humidifier for your room. hospitals are dry and it makes babies snorty (and it's not good for you either)

don't take any clothing that you don't want to be stained. Of course with the exception being your going away outfit. That being said, a nice comfy robe is nice.

oh.. pillows from home!! and your boppy pillow. those are a must have.

good luck sweetie!

Briana Almengor said...

Tea bags. I love hot tea and at least with my c-section could eat nothing for 3 days. Hot tea was such a huge comfort to me and a help since I was super bloated and gassy (happens after c-sections). You're not looking to go that road, but even w/ a natural delivery, hot tea could bring some comfort your way..if you're a tea drinker, that is. :)

a good nursing bra (stear clear of ones with underwires) and nursing pads...esp. if your milk comes in early which for everyone's sake, I hope it does. :)

pillows from home

makeup. Don't know that I was up for putting any on, but it might have made me feel better sooner if I had.

Your own shower supplies...your own scents that make you feel clean and fresh. That's going to help, too, I'm thinking.

Briana Almengor said...

Oh, and I packed (well, really it was LA and Karen C.) while in labor with Bella...not b/c she came early. In fact, she came 4 days late. I was just so not in the preparing for another baby mode 2nd time around. So, you're way ahead of the game.
I would recommend filling up your calendar the next several weeks to help time pass more quickly. Otherwise, you're likely to go crazy waiting for her to come.

Briana Almengor said...

Just reading other's comments: I give a nod to the Bravado bras and chapstick for sure.
And, it's true; you really end up needing very least for the baby in MD hospitals. don't know about PA hospitals, but I would imagine it would be similar. And, like everyone else has said...take everything they give you; ask for extra and take that, too...I esp. appreciated the pads that you smack that then turn into ice packs...oh, so nice to have after a "natural" birth. You're going to want them at home.

Okay..i've said enough. I'll leave you alone now. :)

Anonymous said...

My first baby came 3 weeks early and I was NOT ready. In fact, his baby shower was the night before he was born. Good thing you're ready.

Chapstick definitely.
Moisturizing hand sanitizer. I like Bath/Body Wks Warm Ginger scent.
Magazines to pass the time.
Writing material if only for lists.
Pretty gown and instructions written in BOLD letters to the nurse who takes Isabel to be photographed that "this is the outfit for her picture". No one told me about pictures and I was asleep. They didn't wake me up, they just kept Ben in a generic white half shirt that looked so tacky.

Gum and mints. You will feel like having a fresh mouth but may not be able to get up and brush when you want.

A list of phone numbers in case you find yourself bored. Probably not, but JIC.

Extra underwear, larger than you're used to.

Contact stuff ONLY if you're that vain. The hospital bathrooms are so dirty I wouldn't want to chance dropping a contact there.

Keep your nails pretty but not long. They'll be in a lot of pictures but babies and long nails don't appreciate each other.

Anonymous said...

I think this is vital info I'm about to share get a pen :)

While in labor and post delivery, everyone is all "up in your business" and I guess it becomes second nature to allow that, but I never didn't notice or care that people were never near my face, rather..well, you know. And since you really don't take many showers (ie, none usually) from the time you come in the hospital until the day after you deliver, you want to be ready for those constant up in your business moments. I brought Summer's Eve Disposable wipes so that I could take care of myself. And I felt so much better. Of course, regular baby wipes will work sort of, but they don't do what the Summer's Eve wipes do. You are also talking to a girl who is obsessed with personal hygiene. Feel free to delete this, but take my suggestion, you won't be sorry.

Anonymous said...

I agree with my sister-wipes are necessary. But only for during labor...I couldn't imagine wiping after delivering! Yikes. TMI. I cringed at the thought of taking a shower! Of course, I did and it was fine :) But sure, get some wipes for your stuff ;) ha! Laura

krista said...

Laughing at all of this advice, but seriously it's so helpful to have.

#1 Definately chapstick, pillows from home, and loose comfy clothes (nothing you would mind if it gets stained)

#2 Take all of the supplies they give you, and ask for extras of the icepack pads. If you have a vaginal delivery (and even if you don't tear) I imagine that you'll want as many as possible. Homemade solution: take a number 1 diaper, tear it open carefully at the top of the front waistband, slide in some icecubes and tape shut.

#3 I tore pretty badly, and because we were traveling to and from the hospital nearly every day for 3 weeks I took alot longer to heal. My doctor prescribed a stool softener and I had to buy some witch hazel, gauze pads, and antiseptic spray (w/pain reliever in it) cuz I ran out of the supplies the hospital provided.

Kelly said...

This may be a no brainer, but take your Bible. Toby and I read and talked about different verses in labor, which offered no end of comfort and helped to direct our prayers for Ellie. It also created opportunities to share with some of the nurses who noticed and commented (kindly) on its presence. And grapes. Bring grapes.