Saturday, April 19, 2008

Camera Advice

Miguel and I have a tradition revolving around b-days and Christmas. If there is a larger item that we want to purchase, we buy it as a joint gift and then don't give each other anything else. (Well, I always ended up getting him a small little something anyway!). For our birthdays this year, we want to invest in a nice digital camera-not just a small pocket sized one. Neither of us are into photography per se, but enjoy taking pictures and want something that will produce good quality shots.

What do you currently own and would you recommend it? What was the price range (if you don't mind sharing)? What extra equipment did you purchase for your camera?


Friday, April 18, 2008

Maine and 10 weeks

Miguel and I really wanted to go on vacation this year to somewhere other than Ocean City. New England has always been a favorite location of mine, even before I ever visited. Five-ish years ago, Em Sleeman and I camped throughout the North East, and I fell in love with the area, especially Acadia. This year, Miguel and I decided to head to Bar Harbor, Maine, in mid-June for vacation. We booked our cabin yesterday, and are beginning to make plans for outings, restaurants, and sight seeing. Kate and Kane will be joining us for 8 days of relaxation in gorgeous Bar Harbor. I can't wait to experience Maine as a house dweller and NOT a camper =)

Today also marks 10 weeks of little Migi's life-imagine that-one more week than this time last Friday?! It's hard to imagine that I am almost out of the first trimester and could start showing physical signs of pregnancy within the next few months. The baby now has all major parts developed and is starting to grow fingernails and hair. My little "kumquat" is 1.5" long now.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Kite Runner

This month's book club book is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. I was excited to read the book, given all the past hype and numerous recommendations. I was warned, though, that it would be a "rough" read.

The book traces the fictional life of Amir, a young Afghan, as he grows up during pre-war Afghanistan and later moves to America during war-ravaged times. The book is beautifully written, with imagery that transports the reader to another time and place. I saw Amir as he sat below the pomegranate tree; I saw Amir as he walked the war-torn streets searching for his past; and I saw Amir as he ached for redemption and forgiveness of sins.

The Kite Runner truly was a "rough" read-I cried as the losses mounted, heartaches increased, and difficulties seemed insurmountable. Thought it is a work of fiction, the tale is rooted in the history of a violent civil war. You cannot help but thank God that our experiences of daily life have been vastly different. The Kite Runner is well worth your investment of time and emotions.

P.S.-I hear the movie adaptation is not a great representation of the book and is not worth the $4 to rent it.

Friday, April 11, 2008

9 weeks

We officially hit the 9 week mark today. Migi Junior (or the jellybean, as my dad calls the baby) no longer has a tail (wooohooo) and is the size of a grape. I hope a green grape, because I like them better.

Perks thus far of being pregnant:

1. I have gained almost 2 full cup sizes; you know what I mean. =)
2. Everyone has offered to give/lend some sort of baby gear. I even received two Bella Bands this week! Thanks, Kate.

Today, Erika and I went to Motherhood Maternity so she could look for a dress. I was browsing the clearance racks for fun, and she convinced me to try on a few fall items. I walked out with 3 sweaters for less than $45. Very exciting, though I felt a bit silly trying on maternity clothes when I am very clearly NOT showing. But, now I have something to grow into! I never thought I'd be excited to say that.

I fulfilled my pizza craving tonight with a trip to Pizza Hut. I haven't been there in over 4 years!!! And boy was it good. Totally hit the spot.

All is well thus far. I've made it 9 weeks without significant "pregnant" symptoms. Just utter exhaustion, and even then, not every day. God's grace has truly been amazing.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Migi Jr.

Miguel and I are expecting a baby in November! Despite the exhaustion and "gross" feeling, it's still quite surreal. Friday, we got to hear the heartbeat and see the baby. It made it more real than just a positive home test.

An old acquaintance who is pregnant, updates her blog weekly about the baby. I thought that would be a fun way for me to track my thoughts, feelings and changes through the coming months. If you're interested, Fridays are our official "week" mark, so look for updates then.

Week 8: the baby is the size of a kidney bean and still has the remnants of a tail. I am exhausted and feeling "gross" but have managed a few gym trips and walks. I have craved pizza and don't much care for ice cream (it's a sad, sad day in the Barowski house!).