Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Aha Use

"Real Simple" magazine has a monthly section listing common household items and their "aha" uses. I think I have my own, and it may just be brilliant!

Item: The Bella Band

Common Use: to hold your barely-too-tight pants and shorts up when you can no longer button them due to a growing pregnant belly.

New Use: For the every-day-woman who fluctuates between 3 pant sizes. The Bella Band will allow you to wear those jeans that are just a tad too tight or those dress pants that are too baggy because you lost a few pounds. No need to continue purchasing new clothing each time you gain or lose a pant size! Use a Bella Band to make your clothing fit your growing and shrinking body.

Am I brilliant or what?! ha


Anonymous said...

Is it working for you? Like I said, it never worked for me. I've got a brown one with lace edging, if you want to borrow.

Kristin said...

If you buy me a bella band for my birthday, I will hurt you!

krista said...

Sounds like a good idea to me! My cousin is lending me hers when I see her this weekend. I'm anxious to find out if the band really works for me since some people can't live w/out them and others say they are useless.