Tuesday, February 09, 2010

in the kitchen.4

I feel like I make recipes all the time that call for ingredients that I do not have. Most recently, buttermilk (pancakes, cakes, etc). I don't think to buy it, and honestly don't like buying a large container of it, to only use a small portion. Inevitably, the rest would go bad. Buttermilk is one of those ingredients that are easy to make yourself.

Tip#3: Add 1T lemon juice to 1C milk (I use skim). Let sit for 10 minutes, stir, and you have buttermilk!


Vegan Burnout said...

Works with soy milk too! And you can use vinegar if you're out of lemon juice.

Danielle said...

I got this tip from you before and use it all the time too! Works great.

krista said...

I always do this for the same reason as you.

Another substitution tip:
If recipe calls for say 1 c. oil, substitute applesauce for half of it. I use it in my chocolate and carrot cakes. Ever so moist!

A girl who sees said...

Thanks!! I love substitutions for this kind of stuff - I definitely don't ever have buttermilk in my house!

Briana Almengor said...

That's how I always do my buttermilk; although, when I used to make buttermilk pancakes every Sat, I found a powdered buttermilk in the store that keeps for a lot longer than the cartons. You still have to keep it in the fridge and mix it w/ water, but it'll keep for a long time. I forget the brand that puts it out. It can be hard to find, but it does (or did) exist! :)