Isabel is three months old today. It is strange to measure in months and not weeks. Where has the time gone?? A few of her favorite things:
*Screaming when she's happy, which is most of the time
*Smiling her big, toothless grin at Mommy and Daddy
*Holding onto my shirt while eating.
*Watching t.v....sigh...when she's supposed to be eating. Miguel is firm in his resolution that she will NOT watch the Bachelor. But Isabel does love the Food Network.
Silly things she has been doing lately:
*Scrunching up one side of her lip and nose (a bit like Elvis)
*Throwing herself backwards while we hold her in order to get a good view of the ceiling
*Pulling my hair
*Outgrowing her 0-3 mo. clothing
*Waking up with "bed head"
Such a cutie pie!
HA, that's funny about the Bachelor. Food Network is much better in my estimation.
Natalia loved to throw herself backwards too.
Funny story:
Days after moving here I was holding her on my lap to drink her milk before bedtime and her hard head and my lower lip had an unfortunate collision. Ugly purple fat lip. The next day I happened to be at Kmart picking up some things (dressed in a big T-shirt and shorts, hair in a ponytail) and honestly felt like people were looking at me like I was some poor battered woman.
It's days like those that you wish you had a message written on the front and back of you that clarifies things so you wouldn't get the weird looks.
So adorable! I love watching her get bigger - it's fun to anticipate the things that Logan will be doing in just a few short weeks! Can you believe there this big already? Once again, who let that happen?
Love the pic. w/ the dog. :)
You know who to come to for those 3-6 month clothes, right?!
Precious! Unfortunately we're not going the arranged marriage route for Sam. ;-) But should he and Libby happen to meet one day and fall in love, they would certainly have our blessing -- she is adorable!
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