Friday, December 19, 2008


After Emily posted her eleven favorite movies, I decided to do the same. I LOVE movies, and probably watch way too many. Honestly, I end up forgetting 90% of the plots and 90% of the titles. Sad, but it means that when I re-watch the movies, I am always surprised by the endings! I wonder if I have an early onset of dementia??

Favorite Comedy: Tommy Boy–It takes me back to college-watching Tommy Boy, eating peanut M&Ms and drinking Diet Coke with Marie. Not to mention there are more quotable lines in that movie than just about any other I've watched. "Did I catch a niner in there??"

Favorite Drama: Fracture–I absolutely LOVE Sir Anthony Hopkins. He is amazingly talented, versatile, and a riveting actor. This movie left me guessing at every turn and was pretty clean (one quick fast-forward scene in the beginning) for an "R" rated movie.

Favorite Suspense: I hate suspense, with a passion! I could barely handle What Lies Beneath. Now, if we were talking books, I'd say "Misery" by Stephen King.

Favorite Action: The Last of the Mohicans–This is really a drama/war/action movie. But Daniel Day-Lewis is hot with long hair *wink* and the soundtrack is one of the best I've heard.

Favorite Martial Arts: Rush Hour–It makes me laugh, and I love the outtakes at the end.

Favorite Sci-Fi: Transformers–Does this count? I was ready to watch it again the second we walked out of the theater.

Favorite Sport: The Sandlot–Even though it's a "kids'" movie, it's cute, funny, and a classic summer baseball flick.

Favorite Indy: Bella–It’s sweet, and is my baby's name sake...what more could you want?

Favorite Romantic Comedy: You’ve Got Mail–I have to agree with Emily. F-O-X, enough said.

Favorite Disney: Beauty and the Beast OR Lion King–I watched Lion King after returning from Africa. The scenery is striking and took me back to the plains.

Favorite War: Schindler's List: I saw this in high school, and cried my way through it. It is a very difficult watch, but was truly worth the investment of time and emotions.


Marie said...

"Were you calling from a walkie talkie?"

Yes, that movie brings back memories. And what, did we think DIET coke would offset the candy ?

Good times :)

Anonymous said...

Ooo, "Fracture" was excellent. I think you recommended it to us. And "The Last of the Mohicans" is a long time favorite of mine. Another excellent "war" movie is "Hotel Rawanda". A must see. A good reminder to stay engaged with the world and the sufferings of others and not turn our backs on innocent victims of senseless ethnic cleansing. You've got to watch the special features and the interview with the REAL man on the DVD too.

I'm surprised to see "You've Got Mail" on so many lists. I don't remember liking it much. But then, I can't even think of a romantic comedy I'd list as my favorite.

Becoming a Morrison said...

Okay, guess I have to take some time and write my movie list...but there's SOOO many fav's that its hard to pic one. Esp as I worked at Movie Theaters as a projectionist for years, so if it came out between 1996 and 2002, I probably saw it.