Now that I am officially the "book review" blog, I figured I had better post the latest read of my book club.
Title: Freakonomics
Authors: Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner
Freakonomics is a wonderfully quirky, yet analytical view of previously unanswered and unthought (is that a word?!) of questions. Levitt masterfully looks at data to discover the hidden links between two seemingly unconnected issues or people. While I don't agree with some of Levitt's moral stances, I do find his writing intriguing.
What made crime plummet in the 1990's? What makes a perfect parent? Why do drug dealers still live with their mothers? Well....Read Freakonomics to uncover Levitt's data-supported theories!
First off, you are a nerd ;) Second, thanks so much for your call the other day! My mind has left me and I just remembered you called when I went to your blog...I'm an idiot! Things are so crazy-I have a VERY DIFFICULT class this year, I can't imagine things being much worse than they are-I know you can relate. Anyway, no excuses-I'm sorry I didn't call you back yet. I want to get together and stop talking about it ;) Are you ever in the area or do I have to haul my butt to PA? ;) I'll call ya soon-promise! xoxo
Paul has read bits and pieces of this book to me. (This is his second favorite genre. Talk about nerdy!):) The book has some really fascinating stuff in it. The psychology of spending and saving and risk-taking about what makes the world go round, so to speak. There's a whole lot more to Wall Street than the Dow Jones and that cowbell, huh?
This book is actually waiting for me at the Abingdon library pick up window.
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