Tuesday, July 07, 2009


I think we're in trouble. This girl LOVES her food. Flaps her arms and legs when she sees it. Whines if it doesn't come fast enough. Cries when it's finished. On top of all of that, she is a Barowski, which means she is destined to think ice cream is a major food group. AND, we've become "those" parents that give their children sugar before their first birthday. *sigh* it was a lost cause, why did I even pretend?!


Marie said...
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Marie said...

First of all. TOO CUTE!

Second of all, you can NOT blame the ice cream loving thing JUST on the Barowskis ;)

(PS I deleted the other comment b/c i had a misplaced apostrophe and I didn't want Zo to yell at me :)

Kelley Murphy said...

Welcome to the club of "those parents." =) It's a great club.

A girl who sees said...

Libby, what do you think Super Baby Food would say about this? ;)

Ah, all the things we swore we'd never do. :)

Zoanna said...

Oh, Mar'ie, yo'ur'e too fun'ny.

Libby, I am so thrilled you're part of The Club AND a first time parent. You don't know how relieved I am to stumble upon a first time mom who isn't in bondage to the "best" advice around!!! As long as you don't let her smoke by her second birthday, I'd say you're doing just fine.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of "those" parents too! I will no longer judge other parents. I used to judge like crazy-especially with being a teacher. I could do it all, why couldn't their parent? :) I understand now! Annabelle loves her some ice cream-but she didn't have it til just a month or two ago. Does that make me a better parent than you? ;) Just kidding! Love you xo