Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Scary Stories

Last night, Harford County had a severe thunderstorm. I haven't seen rain or lightning like this in years. Trees were blowing, rain was coming down sideways. The sky was a scary shade of green. We spent the evening at the Connell's, in the dark. Though no electrcity, we had a wonderful time listening to scary stories told by Anna. Made up stories of Hazel, Anna, and Meredith's adventures. Something about an abandoned house and a rock whose face looked like Anna. I don't know. I missed most of the story.

This morning I heard the phone ring. It rang at the base, but the cordless phone was no where to be found. I looked through the rooms of the house, in all the usual spots--under a pile of clean clothes, in the bathroom by the sink, behind the couch, on the base (who knows, it could have magically reappeared?!). No luck. The phone was officially M.I.A.

It's ok, I thought, it will surely turn up. It always does.

I went along my merry way; opening blinds to let the little bit of sunlight in that this dreary day may provide. As I opened the back blinds, there it was. Our cordless phone! For a moment, I forgot the storm that had pounding our community last night. Then it hit me, our phone had spent the evening on the ledge of our deck in the pouring rain.

I quickly used a blowdryer in an attempt to salvage our phone. The fate of our recovered phone is yet to be determined. I haven't received a phone call, and am actually fearful that I may receive some sort of electrical shock if it does work!

I am petrified that I will fall through the planks of the deck. I sit out there with a timid sense of security. I go out there as little as possible, so I am assuming (and you should too!) that it wasn't me who left the phone in the storm.


Danielle said...

Hey, like your new template, seems more like you! Ooo scary stories with Anna, how fun!

Zoanna said...

My kids were at Beachmont for Teen Night during the storm. Talk about scary. They said a lightning bolt actually struck the pool and made the loudest boom they've EVER heard. One hit the soccer goal there, too. Meanwhile 290 kids are huddled under the pavilion and the bathhouse till Jimmy Cannon's sermon. I think he preached fire and brimstone, anointed by God's special effects.

One cute sidenote: Joel doens't yet pronounce all his beginning consonants and blends. The night of the lightning show he said , looking out the window, "Dat's a 'cary undertorm."