Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tasty Tuesday

Cheesy title, right?! I figured everyone else does it, why shouldn't I? Today found me enjoying Reubens (my all-time favorite sandwich) and ice cream from Bonkey's.

This Reuben recipe was truly tasty: http://www.gilroydispatch.com/lifestyles/182780-the-reuben-corned-beef-vs.-pastrami

I even used the skillet and 28oz tomato can that they suggested. It felt silly, but it was fun!

And Bonkey's. There are not words enough to describe the experience. If you haven't been, please come up and we'll take you!!! Homemade ice cream shop housed in an old movie theater; families enjoying ice cream/snowballs/candy at incredibly reasonable prices; little town feel where you always run into someone you know; I love the whole Bonkey's experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never been to Bonky's! Let's go next time I'm there. Love the new stroller, by the way. Congrats!