Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dave Harvey

Do you have those speakers that you simply love to listen to? Preachers whose messages impact your life, whose words stick with you for years? I remember a message preached years ago by a pastor about Mary and Martha. It has stuck with me. I am a Martha who desperately wants to be a Mary. Recently, I heard a message preached by the same pastor on trials.

I have trials in my daily life, don't we all? My trials in this season are not health related; they are not earth shattering, but they are very personal and very real. My tendency is to question God's faithfulness and to worry (hello, Martha). One thing that the pastor stated has stuck with me throughout the past few weeks. "This is exactly what you need." My trials are exactly what I need at this exact time in my life. I do not understand why they are here. I don't even understand how they could be good or needed. I don't know when or if they will ever end. But can I trust that God is sovereignly, slowly, working for my good and His ultimate glory? Yes, I surely can!

I have done a lot of self-talk over the past weeks, taking stock of my long-term vision and faith. I am struggling to see the purpose in these trials, but I know beyond a doubt, that these trials are exactly what I need! How confusing and amazing is God's faithfulness to me.


Anonymous said...

Amen sister! Dave is one of the most effective speakers I've heard and his message on trials really impacted me too.

Briana Almengor said...

Dave Harvey is one of my favorites, too, but we weren't there that Sunday and haven't been able to find it online yet. Hope they post it soon...sounds like it was a good one. Of course, all his are good ones!

Zoanna said...

I had just finished listening to that same message on CD that Dave had given elsewhere. So I got to hear it twice in the same week. I used to not like "recycled" messages, but I got more out of this one the second time around. Even my kids have been quoting it to me, "Mom, this is only a test. And you need it." I love Dave's preaching style, and have come to appreciate "recycling"!

Leanne said...

Matt and I have been discussing this message over and over since we heard it...and every time we start to lose grasp of the fact that "this is only a test" and that this test is what I need, we've heard the Emergency Broadcast system come on (either on radio or cable TV). We'll never look at that the same again!

Naomi said...

I am praying for you!!

Love you,