Sunday, July 24, 2005

Grammar Lessons

I will keep this anecdote brief.

Today, I was in children's church. Not because I teach, but because I watch Miguel play drums for their worship time. I always seem to get roped in to helping with things such as bathrooming, walking kids to get a drink, and behavior management. None of which I mind, honestly! Today was no different. I found myself up front, helping the kids play a game.

The object of the game was to take words on index cards, from a verse and put them in order. So one kid had the word "Blessed," one kid had the word "God." and one kid had the word "are the" etc. I imagined that all of the kids knew their monthly Bible verse, and perhaps practiced it at home? Well, this is how the game went....

Two kids quickly took charge and blurted out orders.

"Hey, Tommy, you have "Blessed" and it starts with a capital "B" that means you're first!"

"And Timmy, you have "God." and it has a period at the end. That means you're last!"

I am not quite sure how "my team" managed to win the game. But they surely know that any word that is capitalized (other than proper nouns, etc) goes first in a sentence. And surely any word that has a period after it goes last in a sentence!

* For comedy sake, I really wanted to include the real names of the kids!! But let's just say, these kids are members of a well-known blogging family!


Zoanna said...

That narrows it down. Never knew grammar lessons would EVER be connected with a who-dunnit plot.

RC Reel said...

Ah, Bless these children! If only most of my co-workers were so far advanced. As a writer, I'm shocked daily by the simple concepts so many adults have missed and I'm very upset by split infinitives, which are running rampant. But, I'm confident and hopeful for the future of erradicating split infinitives after your story :)
Oh and we'll have to get together sometime for Jewish Apple Cake...I'm dying to try that!

Zoanna said...

Split infinitives have ceased to almost bother me. It's those pesky, ubiquitous apos'trophe's in al'l the w'ron'g place's, yaknow'whudImean?'

Laurie said...

Would I happen to be related to one of those kids? If so, I am including that in my end of the year review for English. I need all of the help I can get.

Zoanna said...

Ya done good, Laurie. And I ain't talkin' crazy.

Libby said...

Ha, Laurie, they were indeed your kids! Josh and Caleb both! Such smarties!

Laurie said...

Oh yeah! That's definitely going in the year end review!