Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Recipe needed

Anyone have a great recipe for macaroni salad? I've never made it, want to, but don't really want to pull some random recipe off of the Internet!



Anonymous said...

I do not have a recipe per say. I am not a recipe type cook. I make it up as I go. Here is what I make and my family loves it:
Cooked Macaroni 1 lb
celert minced...
grated onion...I grate it b/c Mike doed not like bits of onion but likes the flavor
green peppers...minced
red pepeers...minced
salt and pepper
a little dill
here is the kicker...Old Bay we love old bay true Marylanders...LOL Just add some and taste it
Now I add everything BUT the tomatoes...chill in frig
I check to see if the mayo has absirbed into the pasta if so I add a little more
I put the tomatoe in right before serving it...Get some good MD tomatoed and just cut them in chunks and toss...It really is yummy...

Anonymous said...

Guess I should have spell checked the other post...LOL

Kristin said...

1. go to Klein's
2. order a pound of the macaroni salad
3. pick up a snickers bar on the way out

krista said...

I haven't made this one, but this recipe seems pretty close to one I'd choose, aiming for that Lancaster County flavor.

The only change I'd make: cut the sugar in half and serve the next day.


Anonymous said...

Ha, I like Kristin's version. :)

My mom's recipe is pretty simple:

1 lb cooked macaroni noodles
1 chopped onion
chopped celery (same amount as onion)
1 jar diced pimentos
Italian seasoning
lotsa Miracle Whip

No real amounts, but it's tasty!
