Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Baby Story

Warning: Due to the violent and somewhat graphic nature of this post, reader discretion is advised! (well, ok...only for those primigravidas out there!!)

It all began one dark and stormy night...Seriously folks, it was a little before 8:00 pm on Tuesday, the 18th. My contractions started and continued to get closer together and noticeably stronger. By 1:00 am they were 6 minutes apart, and we decided to call Enza, the best doula in the world. My contractions continued at a steady rate, until Enza arrived. They tapered off, and at one point were almost an hour apart. Enza left for the morning, while contractions continued, but not with the consistency at which they had started. A few hours later, around noon, we called Enza to come back up. Contractions were again 6-7 minutes apart, and had stayed that way for over 2 hours. By the time she arrived, they were relatively painful and coming more frequently. By 5:00pm on Wednesday, we decided to call the doctor since my contractions were then 3-5 minutes apart and quite painful. Shocker, right?! We arrived at the hospital, fully anticipating that I would be at least a good 6 cm. dilated. I was checked and the verdict was 3 cm! I almost cried. They let me walk for 2 hours and at that point was rechecked, 4 cm. As the night wore on, my contractions remained irregular, anywhere from 3-12 minutes apart. Despite the inconsistency, the intensity continued to increase. Miguel and Enza were absolutely incredible. They championed through the night with me, helping to ease the frustrations, pains, and feelings of failure.

By 4:00am on Thursday, I was utterly exhausted and knew I couldn't continue for hours on end and then have to push at the end. With much hesitation and frustration, I asked for an epidural. Pride was my main factor in not wanting pain relief. I had made it this far, why not continue. The midwife checked me one more time, to reveal I was only 5.5cm. Shoot me up. I was exhausted and done. Had the labor NOT been 32 hours to that point, I would have continued on. But 5.5 cm with no end in sight...hmm...part one of birth plan-out the window-Epidural received. Rest achieved and pain relief so sweet.

Part 2 and 3 out the window: water broken, Pitocin administered. I continued to labor until 10:00 am on Thursday morning, the 20th (38 hours and counting), when finally the verdict came in that I was fully dilated. Thank you JESUS! As I began pushing, part 4 of birth plan out the window-pooped on the table...lots of times. How humiliating, especially with two student nurses in the room! Seriously, why didn't someone get me the deodorizing spray?! I wanted to gag!

Part 5 and 6 out the window: After pushing for 2.5 hours, the doctor decided I was too small to push out our little girl, so they gave me an episiotomy, thinking she would pop right out. Nope. They had to use the vacuum to help her on her way.

Seconds later, at 12:26pm, Isabel Renee Barowski came into the world. Miguel and I both bawled, she screamed, and we cried even more. The 40.5 hours of labor was surely NOT forgotten (how in the world do women say that they forget the pain?!?!), but it was all worth it. Every second of every minute of every stinking long hour. Every part of the "failed" birth plan was trivial. Our little girl was safe, healthy and ours, finally.


krista said...

So sorry you had such a long and painful labor...but so glad she's finally here and safely in your arms.

Nothing smells like a newborn, am I right? (Okay, they do get stinky, but you know what I mean!)

Anonymous said...

Yay! I love your story :) You definitely made me laugh. I pooped on the table too-but only once ;) I'm sorry it didn't go how you would've like, but,like I said before, she's here and healthy :) I'm sorry you labored for so long, but it's all worth it :) Love you girl and so proud of you! xoxo, Laura

Anonymous said...

aww, so glad she's here. Thanks for sharing your story :)

Melodye said...

I have three words for you... THANK GOD FOR DRUGS!!! Seriously, I think Isabel has only begun to mess with your plan! But that isn't a bad thing... God's ways are perfect and she arrived exactly the way the Lord intended her to. Now you will not be able to be a psycho OCD lady like me until you are in your late 40's and your kids are grown!! I love you. Momma O.

Melodye said...

oops, that was four words!!

Anonymous said...

wow! that was one loooong labor. you are a hero in my book for hanging in there as long as you did sans epidural! Glad you and the baby are well. hope to see her at church.

Anonymous said...

You did great Lib! So proud of you! Can't wait to meet Isabel!

Anonymous said...

great job libby! i'm proud of all three of you. can't wait to meet sweet wee isabel. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to laugh in 10-15 years when you find yourself saying "I waited 40 hours for you to deliver, I am NOT waiting another minute for you to get into the car!!" On a more serious note, you have one amazing daughter and I am so happy for you. And the best is yet to come! Love you!

Naomi said...

Oh, man... you are a trooper, Lib! I almost wish I hadn't read this before having my baby... ah, scary stuff!

Nikki said...

Labor is certainly the most physically painful thing a woman can go through, but absolutely the most rewarding!! Way to go, Libby! You are amazing :)

Briana Almengor said...

Oh my..I laughed out loud several times. So well written (rather coherent for a new mom). :) So sweet, friend. I love the end of your story, "Every part of the "failed" birth plan was trivial. Our little girl was safe, healthy and ours, finally." This is really all that matters.

My labor/delivery with the boys went similar to yours in the sense that every part of my birth plan was thrown out the window, too..mostly. I did have the labor/delivery of "my dreams" with Bella, though, so take heart. You may yet have another opportunity to do it "your way". :) Even so, God used my l & d w/ the boys to humble me and show me HIS sufficiency far surpasses my own (boy, is that an understatement).

I can honestly say now, there is no perfect way to have a baby...only a Perfect God who knows how to give perfect gifts to His undeserving children.

Glad you are enjoying your girl. Can't wait to see her.

Anonymous said...

You two have never looked happier. I am so thrilled for you. I had a similar labor with Sarah (but "only" 22 hours long). My plan was that, since shew as just 13 months behind her brother, she'd slide right out. Wrong. Posterior babies don't do that. Better to trust the Planner than the worry about the plan.

Isabel is beautiful and yes, so worth it!

Anonymous said...

Awww, I didn't know that Isabel's middle name is Renee. That made me cry. Beautiful!
Laura K (R-P)

LisaN said...

I'm less than three weeks away from my due date and thinking I should have waited to read your story until afterwards! :-)

LisaN said...

But in all fairness, you did warn me in the first paragraph! ;-)
It really wasn't that bad, but of course I have all the hopes you did going into labor for the first time, so we will see how things go!