Sunday, November 18, 2007


I love my book club. I truly do. The girls have become some of my most enduring and faithful friends. We meet once a month (at least), and never are in want of good conversation, GREAT food, and belly-aching laughs. After reading "A Long Way Gone" (see previous post), our host decided that we'd be adventurous and try an Ethiopian restaurant in Baltimore. We met at 1:00 at Dukem, a little restaurant right on Maryland Avenue. It looks like a hole in the wall, but the upstairs dining area was surprisingly cute and cozy.

We ordered a combination platter which allowed us to try lamb, tibs (beef cubes), chicken, lentils, and several vegetables. The meal was served with a crepe-like bread that was tangy. The bread was used as our utensil. Ethiopian restaurants do not provide diners with knifes, spoons OR forks! Each meat option was in some sort of sauce, ranging from mild and flavorful to spicy and "nose sniffling."

I had a blast sampling a new cuisine and loved the experience of eating an entire meal with my hands. The food was delicious (loved the spicy lamb) and the experience was one I'll never forget.


Anonymous said...

Very cool. I've heard that place is very good. Have you ever tried The Helmand? They serve Afghan cuisine. Not as memorable as eating with your hands, but very good and different food than I'm used to. It's on Charles St. not far from Dukem. I'll have to add Dukem to my ever growing list of restaurants to try.

Anonymous said...

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