Tuesday, January 05, 2010

getting rid of....

a few things in the new year...no resolutions, but goals. Seems less daunting, at least to me! So, here is my list of "things that gotta go in 2010":

1. Diet Soda. My one a day has been seriously messing with my stomach of late.
2. Three plus trips to the grocery store (aka Wal-Mart) for "just a few things"
3. Clutter in the spare room. Oh, it's taking over the entire house really.

What would you like to see GO in your life?


Vegan Burnout said...

Clutter! I am a terrible packrat. So is Jim, and it doesn't help that his parents try to buy us things all. the. time. Which reminds me, I need to do a clothing and shoe purge. And I should get rid of my sheets, since they are double and our bed is queen. I love my sheets, though! Wow, I've got a lot of stuff to unload. Go you, Libby! FYI, diet soda is made with aspartame, which is a pig product. In case that gives you extra motivation.

Melodye said...

For me, it's not what I'm getting rid of, but what I'm doing -- e.g. Pilates instead of yoga, working on an Etsy shop. Those kinds of things. I've already edited most of the other things in my life... hey, I'm 50, I've had time :-) That diet soda needs to go, darling. I'm reading Jillian Michael's book, "Master Your Metabolism." It has some really good (really expensive) ideas, but the premise is sound -- diet soda is a NO-NO!! Love you, Momma O.

Kristin said...

whew! Glad I'm not on that list of getting rid of!! :)

Becoming a Morrison said...

ugh...I love my "One" sodas....so no aspartame...but Splenda's bad for you too...I know I need to give it up, but mostly for my teeth...soda will rot your whole mouth out...Do you think I'd still be pretty with no teeth??? Just wondering....

Also, if it helps with the diet coke thing...my sister Jessie and brother Robbie get instant headaches when they have anything with aspartame. Even gum. But my sister Jenny, who was the biggest diet coke drinker I know...had to give it up b/c she suddenly started experiencing momentary blindness that would initially start with a stabbing headache. She gave up diet coke = no more blindness. No lie. Driving and sudden blindness just don't go very well together...

A girl who sees said...

I'd like to see about 30 lbs. GO off my body!! That plus a lack of diligence towards our home and most importantly towards my quiet times, even though I see such a difference when I am diligent in these areas.