Tuesday, May 02, 2006


This past Sunday was the fifth Sunday, and therefore my Sunday to help in the 5 year olds class. What a riot. I wanted to share a brief encounter with Warren Englehart. I have no fear mentioning his name as I am not bound to privacy or anything else of the legal nature...right Pebbles?! =)

Me: Ok kids, we need to hand sanitize before snack. Hold out your hands.
Warren: What do you think is better, GermX or Purell?
Me: Purell smells better (I am so obviously not a mom!)
Warren: NO, I mean which kills germs better (So obviously a germ-aware kid!)
Me: Uh, Purell smells better.
Warren: Well, I still want to know which works better!

How cute. Yes, this encounter really did happen. So it got me thinking. Which IS better?? Purell or GermX?

1 comment:

Beth Young said...

Purrell smells better.