Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Word of the day

I have a tiny blue book, quite unlike "a little black book," to be sure. My blue book contains lists, lots of lists--things I want, things I need, Movies to watch, Restaurants to try, AND books to read. One of the books on my list is "Misery" by Stephen King. I know what you may be thinking....Cheesy horror book. I want to be the one to put that myth to death. Not rest, death. I am a closet King fan. Green Mile, great book. I started Misery on Monday and I have to say: Misery, incredible book so far. Stephen King is, to many people's (mine included) surprise, a dynamic and talented writer.

While I am not sure that I can completely recommend Misery, due to some unnecessary foul language, I can say that Stephen King has increased my vocabularly (not just those foul words!). It has been quite some time since I've read a book in which I required the help of a dictionary. But, it's refreshing. My mind is being stretched; I am being challenged, and I love it. Don't get me wrong, King is not a technical writer; he simply loves using "intelligent" words where a much more simple word could have been used.

SO, my word for the day is RICTUS. Perhaps some of you know the meaning, I however had to use my handy dandy on-line =)


1. The expanse of an open mouth, a bird's beak, or similar structure.
2. A gaping grimace

"So you just sit there," she said, lips pulled back in that grinning rictus...


Danielle said...

Thanks for expanding my vocabulary!! Let me know how that book ends up. I have a little black book that serves the same purpose of your little blue book and I don't know what I'd do if I lost it!

Karen Hevesy said...

Libby, in my single-pre-children days I also read anything Stephen King wrote. I used to get so freaked out (a good kind of scared) that I would leave the book outside on the windowsill so I wouldn't be tempted to read it in bed and be too scared to sleep!

Libby said...

How funny Karen..I had to put it down the other night for the same reasons. It was creepy--not horrifying--and I knew I would keep reading and then have nightmares if I didn't stop! But I am almost finished now....! =) It's addicting!