Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire..."

have you ever just wanted to scream, "I TOLD YOU SO!"?! This morning was one of those days. I pulled into work, right on time. Not only did I see the small parking lot full of cars, but I arrived to my boss running around like a chicken with her head cut off (Ok, I hate using such phrases, but this is for real!). Then the sirens started down the street. Apparently, our school building was on fire! Hence the running around like a mad woman. We were told to sit in our cars as three fire engines pulled into the parking lot. After an hour and a half of waiting (still in our cars), we were sent home!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! No work today. What a nice break. Ok, so it wasn't a nice reason to have off, like snow, but at least it was a reason to not work.

The "I told you so" comes from a conversation the day before. I had jokingly commented that I knew our building was going to burn down. There was an oil leak, which smelled up the entire building all day long. This morning, our oil leak turned into a fire. Scary. I honestly didn't want the building to burn, I just wanted a day off. =)


Anonymous said...

wow, lucky!!!

Danielle said...

Glad you got the day off, but more glad that you were all okay. Did this happen with no kids there? That's another blessing!

Zoanna said...

Couldn't they have at least called you before you got down there and everything. I mean, a simple phone call from one of the firefighters would have given you the whole, WHOLE day off! But no, you got out of bed, got dressed, put make-up on, drove all the way down there...and for WHAT? To be told to go home, your workplace is on fire. Bummer.

Briana Almengor said...

Ironic, Lib, given our conversation last night re: the condition of your building. Remember the "thatched roof" lady from Dave Harvey's message on faith? Maybe you'll get a new building, more updated accomodations out of this! What a Christmas gift that would be, huh!!!